The best concert: SGL 2018

 The best concert I’ve ever had is: Santiago Gets Louder from 2018, I had the opportunity to see Judas Priest and Alice in Chains, also other bands like Criminal, Temple Agents and Recrucide. It was kind of festival that took place in the Movistar Arena. It was amazing, there were a lot of people, i went to court, where it was terribly hot, among so much movement and people "hitting” each other, haha it was a nice experience. The best of the concert definitely was Judas Priest, I like him a lot, it reminds me of my younger days, when I was a teenager and I used to listen to it on the way back from school, or going to school in the morning.

I have good memories of the concert, I went with a couple of friends, we drank a couple of beers and had a fantastic time, a guy vomited my foot, people fainted; it was a little bit bizarre but very funny the whole concert, and the post of it.

I really liked metal when I was little and going to the concert was giving that inner child a "hug", I don’t know, it was great, so I remember it with a happy heart. Now I listen to everything, from boleros to salsa, to Brazilian music, hehe, a little bit of everything, I don't hold back on tastes, if I like something I enjoy it! :D What about you? What is the best concert you’ve ever had?


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